Hello Members!
This week we are so grateful for the beautiful weather that we have been having. We have been able to completely re-shape and mulch more than half of our 120 permanent raised beds and may be able to complete all of them before the snow arrives, something we have not been able to do before. If our good luck continues, we will also work on our perennial beds (we have dreams of a field filled with strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, haskaps, horseradish, asparagus, sorrel and rhubarb for you next year!) and may even prep a "three sisters" plot.
As we prep our soil, we are also harvesting everything left in the garden. We have been busy at work blanching and freezing and making preserves so that we can share some of our bounty with members throughout the winter.
This week, we will not attend the market so that we can devote more time to preserving and making some pizzas to freeze and offer on the store:). Please let us know what you think about them!.
We are continuing to work with Local Line to migrate over to their platform. We will continue to offer the farm stand and the Butcher Box subscription through Harvie through to the second week of December and then will transition to the new platform on Local Line. We will send invitations to join the new Local Line platform by late November.
Wishing everyone an awesome week.
Your Farmers,
Greg and Kate.