Hello Harmony Farm Members!
We have some exciting things happening on the farm to tell you about!
We have been working on a few projects that are finally ready to go live...
We have been making kombucha and slowly increasing the production while we experiment with some fun flavours. This week we will have some one litre bottles available for sale in the store! There will be different flavours weekly depending on what we have fresh at the moment. This week we are offering anise hyssop, a member of the mint family with a mild licorice flavour. Please save your bottles and bring them back when you see us, we will give you a refund ($2 on litre bottles) and will reuse the bottles.
Over the last year we have been slowly building a mushroom garden in our forest. This week we had a great flush of oyster mushrooms. We are not really certain how to project harvest amounts for outdoor grown mushroom harvests just yet so will have them only at the farmers' market for now BUT starting in September we are planning to offer cultivated gourmet mushrooms from JCB mushrooms out of Kinburn Ontario (so delicious!), we will keep you posted!
We still have tons of produce in the gardens for you. Some of our cooler weather crops like radish and salad turnips are back on the menu. New this week are sweet potato greens. If you have not tried them yet, you are in for a real treat. Here is one recipe to get you started: https://www.loveandoliveoil.com/2012/09/sweet-potato-greens-in-coconut-cream.html
Our hens are also very happy with the weather these days. If you have been wanting some of our farm fresh eggs, you are in luck this week, we have many more than usual available:).
Wishing everyone a great last week of August,
Kate and Greg.