Hi Everyone!
This is your weekly reminder that our online store is open for orders!
This week, we have some awesome new and returning products...
We have replenished our preserves selection with members' favourites from Top Shelf Preserves, have two new delicious cheeses from Glengarry Fine Cheese and have some new options from 1847 Stone Ground Organic Flours.
Kate's New Year's resolution was to finally learn how to make sourdough breads. I had wanted to make sourdough for years but the dread of making a starter kept me from getting started. Turns out it was much easier than I had imagined and we have been loving the breads and various sourdough goodies. I am pretty certain that the local, organic stone ground flours are what makes the breads so delicious but I don't even want to try a comparison loaf! In case any of you are interested in trying your hand at sourdough (or other breads!) we have a selection of flours and some larger package sizes for making some awesome doughs. This week, we have been experimenting with some sourdough discard recipes. So far we have tried waffles (awesome with maple syrup for a winter breakfast!) and crackers. I am still experimenting a bit with the recipes but will post our favourite versions on social media this week:).
We will have one last week of our 10% Harvie credit on all meat sales this week. Sadly, the hens are still intermittently working to rule so eggs quantities are uncertain. They should be back on the menu next week.
Wishing everyone a great week.
Your farmers,
Greg and Kate.