As the farm expanded over the last several years, my work has transitioned from the doer to the coordinator and observer. Instead of being the person driving the tractor, I am usually walking behind to make sure the cultivators are properly adjusted, planters dropping seeds to the correct depth and transplanters properly watering and packing soil around the seedlings. Walking gives me the best view of whats happening in real time, so I usually follow the equipment in the field for the first couple of passes before heading off to another task. As I walk, I am usually looking down at the soil and all this looking presents a good opportunity to find lost objects. I find all sorts of goodies... old hay rake teeth, cultivator knives, pocket knives lost while topping tobacco, pull tabs, fossils, and ARROWHEADS! I love to find arrowheads, and Friday evening while we were planting another round of cucumbers I found one of the best examples I have found on the farm. It's not huge, but it is nearly perfect. What is also so amazing is that it has survived all the soil tillage over the years without being broken. It is also a good reminder of the tragic story of this land!