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Farm Happenings at Lazy Eight Stock Farm
The Great Strawberry Crash of 2023
This is a bad news/good news message. The bad news is that our beloved strawberries couldn't withstand all of the challenges of the past nine months. While we have mostly forgotten about the extreme drought and heat of late fall, the Arctic temperatures in December, and the hurricane force winds of1 read more »
Garden to Plate Recipe
In the early weeks of any Kentucky CSA share, members will undoubtedly be offered a variety of lettuces and salad greens. As the season progresses, vegetables that take longer to ripen will begin appearing in your share. In the meantime, immerse yourself in the world of green stuff! Here's a recipe1 read more »
Getting Started with CSA
Thank you for joining our CSA this season, and we're excited to get things rolling!
We wanted to start by sharing some information the will help you understand how Harvie (our CSA management software) helps us manage your farm share and the selection produce you get from us each week. I'll include1 read more »