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Farm Happenings at Lazy Eight Stock Farm
The Potato Harvest
Potato Harvest
Until now, we've been harvesting potatoes as needed for your weekly deliveries. Usually we'll dig a couple beds every other week so we have enough fresh potatoes to fill the orders, but it's almost time to harvest the entire field. We wait until the vines have died so the potatoes ha1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 23, 2020
As the farm expanded over the last several years, my work has transitioned from the doer to the coordinator and observer. Instead of being the person driving the tractor, I am usually walking behind to make sure the cultivators are properly adjusted, planters dropping seeds to the correct depth and1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 9, 2020
Out 2020 potato crop met the harsh reality that came with the freeze in early May. It was a difficult situation... we lost of of our strawberry crop and had to "unplant" several thousand tomatoes we had in the field. No reasonable amount of row cover would have saved the tomatoes from the1 read more »