CSA Week 1
Hello CSA Members! Our family farm is excited to share great news with you. We are also doing Hmong herbs for the hospitals this year providing women in postpartum for healing benefits for years and basically its great and has antioxidants benefits. We have included in your shares so you can try it out. It's delicious with just boiled chicken and tossing in your herbs for flavoring and sprinkle of salt. We are working hard to put up two additional high tunnels for season extension growing for later in the season and also two additional greenhouses on our Hugo Lot.
We have an exciting and fruitful this years because we will have an Asian infused CSA box with a twist of your mainstream Minnesota fruits for this year. We will also have spicy Asian thai chil peppers. Make sure you go like the Mhonpaj's Garden Face book so we will go live with some of the harvesting and Farm Happenings.
To give you an introduction May Lee is a Ramsey County Master Gardener and have been farming for over 15 years growing for CSA for three major CSA in this city. So you might already known or eaten at her vegetables. Manela Lee is a master fruit Carver and she takes our seconds and carve pumpkins, using leeks as garnishes for weddings, graduations and many other events.Her facebook is called Carving Delights Zongxee Lee is a herbalist and she has written a book on 30 days of purification. The rest of the family is support in labor and volunteer time. We make a dynamic team and hope that you will have fun learning more about what we do in the community. Including cooking shows and demonstration on how to eat healthy. We are also very engaged this year in providing local and organic produce to farmers in the school. Mhonpajs Garden was inspiration from the owner Mhonpaj's name which in Hmong it is named Pollination, its the Mhon is powder and paj is flowering. It means the flowering and pollination of plants. Our logo represents the roots of our ancestors who is embeded in our Hmong tapestry Paj also means flowering so we representing the flowering and the beginning of flower.
We are the first certified organic farmers here in the U.S and we are strong educators and mentors for other Farmers to learn about organic farming and soil improvements through crop rotation and cover cropping methods. We hope that this week you enjoy your basil and sage plants and you can put these in potting soil and keep in in the sunlight or out doors to get the experience of fresh herbs by your patio or out door garden.
We have included this week Tiger eye beans which is our favorite with customer reviews of Creamy in textured and light weight shells. Soak over night and cook for 1 and half hours in your favorite soups, paste or burrito.
We have so much to share with you and we are so excited that you have supported our family farm after 15 plus years of farming this is our first CSA share so thank you for your continued patience and we are excited to share everything we know!