Hello Members!
We are excited to be showered with all the final product of what you have cooked and stewed over. Remember to Like us on Facebook. Thanks for sharing the Sage tea, hukeri and nappa kimchi, with salads and bean soup! Wow we have a chefs apart of our CSA. So excited to see what you are all doing with the fresh produce. We have had positive reviews. This week we have little zucchini showing up, hopefully by next week we will have beets and others come into the full season!
We did want to apologize for some of you on the mix up of the Tiger eye beans. We look forward to seeing what you do for the CSA! We hope to be putting a fund together for a new tiller because our old one broke. So we will be doing a fundraiser hopefully. As farmers all the expenses come sooner then later.
Thanks for your support this season!