Farm Happenings at Mhonpaj's Garden
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Farm Happenings for June 29, 2022

Posted on June 25th, 2022 by Mhonpaj Lee

Hello All!

Thank you for a successful first week of delivery! We got some rain and now irrigating the entire fields. 

With Phanat this year we were able to get woven fabric that lasts life time to help weed control in the fields and also allow water to drip through the plastic. This year with so many challenges have made us wiser. We are learning every year as we go. We hope you enjoyed the addition to the farm with the eggs. We hope that we can aggregate more in the future allowing more varieties with value add. 

But besides that this week we have Peas, zucchinni and garlic scapes and purslane to name the new items this week. We have a new interface so if you are not seeing items please let us know. We can see if there is extra for you. 

Enjoy this summer!

Also if you are pick up feel free to ask if you need any additions and thank you. Next week we will go back to plastic blue bins so bring your own containers and those who have delivery please leave out your bins or boxes. You may keep the first box of delivery last week as your container for pick up or delivery moving froward as a courtesy box. 

We want to reduce waste and want to continue using the blue plastic tuppaware. 


Thank You!

Mhonpaj's Garden Tam