Farm Happenings at Oak Spring Farm
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Week 15: Heading into September

Posted on September 4th, 2024 by Lisa Duff


Can you believe it's already Week 15?

As we edge into the cooler days of September, our fall crops are beginning to take shape.

The plants that survived the summer are looking strong, but it hasn't been without a fight. We had a wild bout of caterpillars that wreaked havoc on the first round of our fall kale and cabbage.

Thankfully, we caught the problem early and are now inspecting each plant by hand, ensuring that the damage is under control.

We're determined to bring you the best brassicas possible as the season progresses.

This week, we're excited to share sweet potatoes with you. Here are my top reasons why sweet potatoes are a staple in my kitchen:

  1. Flavorful Goodness: The natural sweetness and rich texture of sweet potatoes make them a delight in any dish.

  2. Nutritional Powerhouse: Sweet potatoes are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They're a fantastic source of beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A in your body, supporting your immune system, vision, and skin health.

  3. Versatility in the Kitchen: From roasting to mashing, sweet potatoes can be the star of so many recipes. One of the best ways to preserve their nutrients and flavor is to cook them whole with the skin on—it keeps all that goodness locked in.

It’s also worth noting how crucial it is to grow sweet potatoes organically.

Conventional methods often rely on harmful chemicals, but we’re committed to keeping those toxins out of your food and our environment.

Hooray for Certified Organic produce and for being part of a CSA that strives to feed you the BEST food possible!

I know I’m preaching to the choir, but being part of our CSA is not just good for you; it’s good for our small farm, the other small farms we collaborate with, and our entire community.

By keeping food dollars local and chemicals out of our air, water, and soil, we’re making a real difference together.

Fruit Share: Gem Pears. I love these pears-do you?

Cheese Share: Cheddar or Smoked Cheddar

Thank you for your unwavering support.

We need you and we never lose sight of this truth. We appreciate you, our CSA members, our #1 supporters.

