Farm Happenings at Oak Spring Farm
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Week 16 GINGER

Posted on September 13th, 2024 by Lisa Duff

Happy Almost Fall, CSA Farm-ily

Who's excited for some fresh, baby ginger? We sure are! This week, we're thrilled to offer you a special treat—freshly harvested, baby ginger, grown with care right here at Oak Spring Farm.

The Journey of Our Ginger
Growing ginger is a true labor of love, and it all starts in the heart of winter. In January, I order the seed ginger from a Hawaiian supplier, The Hawaiian Biker Dude (not kidding), and it arrives in February or March. From there, we pot it up and give it the warmth it needs to sprout before planting it in a rich, well-fertilized bed inside our heated high tunnel. All summer long, we nurture it with plenty of water and nutrients until it’s ready to be harvested—just for YOU, our especially adored CSA members.

Why Fresh Ginger is So Special
What makes baby ginger so unique? Unlike the mature ginger you typically find in grocery stores, which has a tough, fibrous skin and a strong, peppery bite, baby ginger is tender and mild. It doesn’t need to be peeled and has a smoother, more delicate flavor that’s perfect for fresh cooking. You can slice or grate it easily, and its vibrant pink stems add a fun splash of color to any dish. Yes, the leaves can be used to flavor tea, stock, soup or stew.

Health Benefits of Ginger
Fresh ginger isn’t just delicious; it’s packed with health benefits.  It’s known for its anti-inflammatory properties, making it a great remedy for nausea, indigestion, and even cold symptoms. Ginger has also been shown to boost immunity and improve circulation, helping to keep you feeling your best as the seasons change.

So as we welcome the first hints of fall, we hope you enjoy this special harvest of baby ginger.

It’s a true labor of love, and we’re excited to share it with you.

Thank you for being a part of our farm family and supporting everything we do here at Oak Spring Farm.

Fruit Share: all purpose apples for fresh eating, baking or sauce (pears available at farm pick up)

Cheese share: cheddar (your choice at farm pick up)