Good morning from the farm!
We've finally finished up all the winter and fall seeding and planting--what a relief. It's strange to think that the broccoli and cabbage we planted in the heat will make it through and thrive when the cooler months eventually get to us, but every year they seem to take off come September. Thanks to rotations from the laying hens and sheep, we're able to build soil pretty quickly out here. That and we have an almost never ending supply of composted sheep manure and bedding that is great for organic matter and top dressing vegetables when we need a boost.
This week's box brings some new items--one that I'm really excited about are the fresh bunched onions. We leave some aside each year to pick and cure to dole out dried, but freshly picked onions are something else. The flavor and texture is supreme--use them when cooking, pickle them, or chop them fresh into salads, salsas, or other dishes. A big hit out here!
You'll also start to see garlic on and off for the rest of the CSA season. We harvested our garlic last week and have set it out to cure. If you get garlic in your box, make sure to keep it on the counter, or somewhere it will get air flow. Definitely not an item for the fridge!
Thanks for your continued support of the farm, and I'll see you at pick up,