Greetings from the farm! We had some much needed rain this weekend and its looking like more is on the way this week. This will really help with our direct seeded crops like radishes, turnips, and arugula. It will also make it easier to for us to turn under weeds and plant cover crops to protect and improve the soil for next season. The downfall of rain is that disease spreads more, which we are already fighting with the heat and humidity. This will likely be the last week for tomatoes as disease has taken over the crop and they are nearing the end. Other summer crops are still doing well and we hope to have some cucumbers soon in addition to the summer squash added last week!
We made the decision yesterday to plant the hoop house in fresh greens for the winter and will again be offering an extended season membership. We plan to launch the next season in early October when we see how things look and how many members we can comfortably provide for. As always, thank you so much for all of your support!!!