Happy last 2 weeks of August, everyone! Always seems to fly by so fast. Sorry I didn't send out an update the last couple of shares. But not much has changed around here! Just really noticing the shorter days: growth starts to slow down considerably, and you worry about the last few plantings you have in the ground, growing to their full potential!
But we have some new treats this week: we have some eggplant ready! I love eggplant as the meat of the vegetable world. In a classic eggplant parm or ratatouille, it's very filling and hearty.
The beans are finally coming on as well - just in the nick of time!! We planted them a little late this year so are happy they are finally ready. If the weather holds out, we'll have them for a few weeks.
Our storage onions are also just about ready! I like to pick a few for fresh eating, then cure the rest for storage. So the onions you're getting in this week's shares are NOT cured! So you'll want to put them in your fridge and eat them soon-ish.
Lastly, we have one last planting of Hakurei turnips to enjoy! This will be it for the season. Lots of late-season radishes ready too.
Our tomatoes are not doing very well this year, sadly. Partly the weather: just too many rainy, cool days. We also didn't get them in until mid-May, which didn't help. If you haven't gotten tomatoes in your share yet, and would really like some, please do email me. I will make sure they're added to your share before the season is out! But they are picking up with these last couple weeks of warm weather.
That's it for now! Let me know any questions or issues, as always. Thanks, everyone! See you Tuesday!
- Brianna and the Puddle P team