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Farm Happenings at Puddle Produce Farm
Storage Crops and Watermelon Season in the Cariboo!
Happy Sunday, everyone
This is our 2nd to last CSA newsletter of the season. Always seems like it comes out of nowhere. The seasons are certainly changing, and it's almost time for everyone and everything to have a rest.
We have 2 new additions to the boxes this coming week: some lovely red plums f1 read more »
Storage Crops and Watermelon Season in the Cariboo!
Happy Thursday, everyone
This is our 2nd to last CSA newsletter of the season. Always seems like it comes out of nowhere. It's also dark when I write them now! Which didn't used to happen. The seasons are certainly changing, and it's almost time for everyone and everything to have a rest.
I wanted1 read more »
Last 3 Weeks of CSA - IMPORTANT NOTES!
Happy Monday, everyone
This week, we have one more batch of broccoli and fennel ready, and the LAST of the local, no-spray apples from Tom Salley of Mackin Creek Orchards. There are 3 different varieties of McIntosh apples, all with their own unique colours, texture, and flavour. McIntosh appl1 read more »
CSA shares for Sept 21 - IMPORTANT NOTES!
Happy soggy Saturday to you all!
Sorry the customization email is going out a bit later again this week: we had a couple external crops just confirmed yesterday, namely more Sieglinde potatoes and fingerling potatoes from Buck Ridge Ranch. We will put the fingerlings in the boxes and Sieglindes wil1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 17, 2021
Happy Tuesday, everyone
I am looking out my "office" window at the garden and am so happy for the rain we've had. I am pleasantly surprised that we've had enough warmth still to green up the once very brown grass before winter sets in. Everything is looking lush again and it's lovely!
We have prett1 read more »
The Season of Abundance - September 14th
Happy rainy Thursday, everyone
I am looking out my "office" window at the garden and am so happy for the rain we've had. I am pleasantly surprised that we've had enough warmth still to green up the once very brown grass before winter sets in. Everything is looking lush again and it's lovely!
Thanks1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 10, 2021
Hey everyone,
Hope you had great long weekends out there. Looks like we're about to get another small dose of sunny, warm days, but at this time of year, this means cold nights. We were surprised when we went to our lower plot yesterday to find 1/3 of our squash patch dead from frost damage. That p1 read more »
Our 13th Farm Share - SEPT 8TH!
Hey everyone,
Happy long weekend! Lovely last few days of summer. Hope some of you have plans to enjoy this part of the shoulder season.
We have garlic! From Buck Ridge Ranch and Gardens. We will put 1/3 pound into each box, but there will also be 1lb amounts available on the extras page if you wan1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 3, 2021
Hello everyone!
Hope you've had a great week out there so far. Wow, nice bit of rain the last 24 hours. No complaints there! So nice to see some moisture in the ground. Hopefully things will green up a bit with the sun we're supposed to get the next few days.
We are getting garlic this Friday1 read more »