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Farm Happenings at Puddle Produce Farm
Farm Happenings for July 6, 2021
Hello everyone!
Well, it's still almost too hot to sit under a laptop but it's a lot better than it was! Wow, that was quite a heat wave. It will still be hot for the coming days but glad it's gone down below 40C. Hope you've all done ok these past few days as well. Something we may, unfortunately,1 read more »
Week 3 of our Seasonal Veggie Box Program
Happy Monday, everyone!
Well, this is quite the heat wave. Hope you're all managing to find enough moments in the day to cool off. Or maybe you're the lucky owner of a pool!
We are planning to attend this week's Friday market, from 9-2pm on July 2nd. So all should remain the same for th1 read more »
Prepping for the Heat!
Happy Thursday, everyone!
Well, I'm sure I'm not the first person to talk about how hot it's supposed to be next week :P But holy man, seeing 40C in the forecast is something we don't see often! We have prepped as much as we can here, adding shade cloth to our most exposed beds of greens, and1 read more »
Week 2 of our Seasonal Veggie Box Program
Hey everyone!
Hope you liked your veggies this past week - sorry for the shorts! We are back in stock this week, including some new items to the extras list! If you are a small shareholder (getting your boxes bi-weekly) this may be your first week - welcome!
I also wanted to send some helpful links1 read more »
Week 2 of our Seasonal Veggie Box Program
Hey everyone!
Hope you liked your veggies this past week - sorry for the shorts! We are back in stock this week, including some new items to the extras list! But for now, I also wanted to send some helpful links on how to navigate Harvie, in case you have any questions. But of course, if you still1 read more »
Welcome to the 1st Week of Your Local Farm CSA!
Hello everyone!
Very excited to have you all, and launch the CSA season. CSA members are dear to my heart, so I must first say a HUGE thank you to all of you for signing up this year. I hope you love our veggies, and all the abundance this area truly does have to offer during the growing season, an1 read more »