Happy weekend, everyone!
This is the last of a few things! The last newsletter, the last Fall CSA share, the last...time you'll have to eat radishes for a while :P As always, I really hope you've all enjoyed it. I love growing veggies, and if they've met your expectations and made you happy, that is just the best feeling in the world for me. If you have ANY feedback you want to send me (good or bad, I want to hear it all!) then please either send me an email, or what for the survey link I'll be sending out in the next couple weeks. I absolutely want to improve on anything that doesn't work for people! As much as I appreciate the break winter provides, I will miss the weekly trips into town to see many of you. But I know spring will be here before we know it!
So as for this week's last CSA shares, a couple of things: a lot of winter squash is going out this week, but not ALL of them have finished curing! This is because most of them were picked in the last 2 weeks and some require up to 2 months of curing before eating. Here is a handy chart that tells you which ones you can eat right away (ie: no curing necessary), and which ones need curing, and for how long. So if you're getting Kabocha this week, please let them cure a little longer! They're fine on a kitchen counter. The butternut I grew this year, however (Butterscotch PMR) is an exception and can be eaten right away, but will still store for up to 3 months. All others are fine to eat right away. Here is my fave recipe for the delicata squash!!
The onions you are getting are cured! So they do not need to be kept in the fridge. Most of you will likely eat them long before, but they will last 6 months+ if you need them to.
BOXES: please feel free to leave your boxes at Mint & Lime again, but don't worry about bringing the last ones back! I will recycle most of them from this year, as they've had lots of use and are not structurally sound anymore :P Thank you so much for returning them over the season!!
All boxes (except home deliveries) will be at Mint & Lime by Wednesday, October 21st @ 2:30pm.
Well, I think that's it, everyone. Again, HUGE thanks to all of you for trusting in us this year: the support is very heartwarming, especially during what turned out to be an unusual and unpredictable growing season. You've given a voice to local food security and you should be very proud of that.
Hope to see some of you next year. Have a great winter season!