Happy rainy Thursday, everyone
I am looking out my "office" window at the garden and am so happy for the rain we've had. I am pleasantly surprised that we've had enough warmth still to green up the once very brown grass before winter sets in. Everything is looking lush again and it's lovely!
Thanks again to all of you for accommodating the date change this past week. It was a whirlwind weekend but I really appreciate having the extra time to spend with family (and wash a LOT of dishes :P)
Onto veggies! We have pretty much everything right now, including a few more goodies from other farms. We'll have some delicious purple plums from my neighbour Marvin Bartell here in Soda Creek. They won't be in the customization email because we're giving them away! They are delicious though. We have a few more bulk bags of cylindra beets from Silver Birch Farm and more Sieglinde and white potatoes for your poutine-eating needs! :P We also have another planting of broccoli ready. Just in time.
We're putting Chioggia beets in the shares this week, aka candy cane beets. It is an Italian heirloom beet developed before 1841, and is known primarily for its characteristic red and white concentric stripes. It will lose some of its pattern when cooked but they are striking when thinly sliced in a salad.
That's it for this week, everyone. See you Tuesday!
Your Farmer,