Hi Friends!
We're halfway through the season this week and things are looking pretty good right now. We've been planting cabbages and greens for the fall shares and our next round of baby greens are looking great! They won't be ready for another two weeks but we're so excited about sharing them with you.
This week the tomatoes and eggplant are looking great and the summer squashes and cucumbers are still going strong and our onions are just about finished curing in the greenhouse. We're starting to check on the winter squash weekly and I think we'll have spaghetti squashes and delicata pretty soon actually.
I hope you all had a great first week of August and aren't feeling too stressed by the world as we head into what's bound to be a tumultuous fall. No matter what we'll keep sending you nice fresh veggies and news from the farm each week.
Stay cool!
Emma, Naomi, & Norah