Hey there, and hello November.
Some beautiful days and some chilly nights, but still some lovely veg coming out of the garden. Not a ton of variety these days, but lots of the few things that we do have.
Been a busy couple weeks with getting the garlic in and mulched with straw; digging, cleaning and storing Dahlia tubers; fixing the fence around the barnyard before the cattle come in from the pasture for winter, threshing dry beans, spreading manure, feeding hay etc. All the business of putting the garden to rest and preparing to care for the animals throughout the winter.
A few people had issues with ordering through Harvie last time. It is set up like an online store now more then the CSA pick/swap. If you are still having problems with the platform, you are more then welcome to send an email with a list of items you would like.
Thanks again for all your support, and patience!