![Farm Happenings at Red Rabbit Gardens](https://s3.amazonaws.com/harvie-uploads/uploads/images/farm/header_image/6026da04d2823659987244.jpg)
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Farm Happenings at Red Rabbit Gardens
Farm Happenings for July 28, 2022
Hey there, what a busy couple of days. With the rain coming on Sunday we hustled to pull and hang the garlic in the garage, and we managed to get it all finished with just a couple hours to spare. Our process for curing the garlic is to tie bundles of 15 on each end of a piece of twine,1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 21, 2022
I wanted to talk a bit about micro greens and give a little bit of information about their benefits, how simple they are to grow at home and some of the ways that we have used them. So, I have always known they were good for you, in the way that I also know that many other veggies are good fo1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 14, 2022
Another week, and it is still hot and dry. We are doing our best to water and take care of all our babies so they can thrive, but it is a big job. Some plants seem to be loving the heat, and as long as they have water you can almost hear them growing. The zucchini, peppers, eggpla1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 7, 2022
Lots of brassicas ready this week, broccoli, kohlrabi, cabbage, kale, salad turnips, so I hope you are ready. We love a good slaw or broccoli salad here, but these veggies are so versatile. Dinner last night included collard and kale salad, and steamed and buttered broccoli, peas and ga1 read more »