Farm Happenings at Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York
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Farm Happenings for July 1, 2021

Posted on June 23rd, 2021 by Bob Baker

Planted last fall - Rows of Garlic

Hello Members - We are so happy that you have joined us as members of the Regional Food Bank Patroon Land Farm CSA, Welcome to the 2021 season,  as we begin the harvest of crops and the opportunity to fill your shares and tables. Your partnership also allows us to send many pounds of farm fresh vegetables to the Food Bank to feed those in need.  Thank you! 

The first week is always exciting and a very very busy time to get back into the weekly routine of harvest, washing, packing and delivering the shares - it always takes us a couple of weeks to shake off the rust and establish the routine - and this includes delivery of the shares also - once we run the route a couple of times, barring any traffic issues - we pretty much stay to a set time for delivery each week. We ask for your grace and patience the first couple of weeks.  If you have a matter that needs addressing or a question arises - please contact me,  Bob at or 518-786-3691 ext 296  Thank you!

We have experienced a wet spring - which results in two extremes on the Farm - first it keeps us off the fields and unable to make the beds for planting - from a beneficial stand point - when we are able to plant - it promotes strong plants and good growth!  We will give you a good variety for this early in the season  - as we rely on a couple of local farms to supplement our crops. 

We are in need of volunteers to help us at the Farm - we experienced significantly low numbers of volunteers this Spring and sign up is still low for the Summer months  - if you are considering volunteering at the Farm - please contact one of our farmers - Brandon to schedule your time -  Thank you!

You are receiving your customization email today and have the weekend to choose what you want to receive in your share next week - you may keep what is in your share based upon the preferences you made when you signed up - or you may swap items  - or you may purchase additional items - when you have finished - please return the email - the deadline is Monday June 28th at 10 am to return your selections via email - we need your email returned because it generates the label for your share box that tells us what to pack in your share  - Thank you!

Looking forward to seeing you next Thursday as we deliver and you pick up your shares. We appreciate your very valued support of the CSA, the Farm and the Regional Food Bank!

Enjoy your weekend - Very best, Bob