Farm Happenings at Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York
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Farm Happenings for July 8 & 9, 2021

Posted on July 2nd, 2021 by Bob Baker

Fall favorite - Butternut Squash putting down its roots


Good Morning Members -  Happy Saturday!  With a cup of coffee in hand - finishing this email and spending some time this morning with you our farm family!

Like this week - some weeks you will receive your customization email on Saturday  - we have needed an extra day to decide what will be in your shares.  This rain has been sweet for the Farm - and now some weekend sun to make those plants sprout!  So glad to have the first week completed - I believe distribution of the shares went very well. I want to take this opportunity to thank you again for your valued membership - we are very grateful for all our members - those who have returned year after year and those who have joined us for the first season! Thank you!

Welcome to our bi-weekly members who will receive their first share this week - this is our customization email that you are receiving and have the weekend to review your shares - you may keep what is in your share based upon the preferences you made when you signed up - or you may swap items  - or you may purchase additional items - the deadline is Monday July 5th at 10 am to make your swaps or additional purchases.  Thank you!

A couple of new offering this week - one is Kohlrabi -

These bulbs might look like root vegetables, but they actually grow above ground like cabbages. The name is German (kohl for cabbage, and rube for turnip) and they’re in the brassica family, along with cabbage, broccoli and brussels sprouts. Their sweet flavor reminds us of a winter cabbage with a hint of broccoli stem, but they finish light and crisp like an apple. You can eat them raw to enjoy their crunchy lightness, or cook them to soften the texture and intensify their sweetness.

The second is the Peter Wilcox Potato - which we are offering in our add-ons extras

The Peter Wilcox Potato is deep purple and lined in gold. It tastes as good as it looks, beautifully textured and firm, whether roasted, boiled or sliced into wedges and fried, with a full, earthy flavor that hints of hazelnuts. It was developed by researchers in Maryland and Maine and named for a professor at Loyola University in Baltimore. Cooking fades the inside color a bit. For best effect, use these potatoes with the skin on.

Each week - we will be featuring a new vegetable in the add-on section - to obtain feedback and decide whether or not to move them up to our regular weekly offering.

We are still very much in need of volunteers to help us at the Farm - we experienced significantly low numbers of volunteers this Spring and sign up is still low for the Summer months  - if you are considering volunteering at the Farm - please contact one of our farmers - Brandon to schedule your time -  Thank you!

Hope you have a very enjoyable holiday weekend with family and friends!  Happy Fourth!

Very best, Bob