Farm Happenings at Saint Isidore Homestead and Permaculture
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Thank you for a great season!

Posted on September 13th, 2024 by Pedro Aponte

Wrapping up the 2024 season is bittersweet. Despite the drought and heat waves, our crops did remarkably well, except perhaps for all squashes and cucumbers. Our delivery systems worked pretty smoothly, and, unless you didn't report it, we have managed to significantly reduce our packaging mistakes. We have great plans for next season, including new fruit crops as our orchard matures. So we would really love to have you back on the program. 

Now for the bad news: On December 31 of this year, Harvie, our beloved CSA management platform will shut down. We have been working with them for five seasons and it has been a really good experience. I hope it has been a good experience for you, as well. Unfortunately, according to Harvie's CEO, the company is not meeting its operative and financial goals and so they have decided to close down. What does that mean for us? We are currently considering two other platforms (GrownBy and Farmigo) to manage our CSA. They provide programs with similar features but with some notable differences to Harvie, so we are taking the time to explore them carefully before committing to either. What does that mean for you and what you can do? You will be dealing with a new platform next year. There will be no "automatic CSA renew" this year. I also hope that you can provide any feedback that will help us with a smooth transition to a new platform. And I hope that you consider praying for us as we are making this important business decision. 

Thank you for your support this year, and all the years that you have been with us. We will be sharing updates with you as the process unfolds. In the meantime, blessings from the homestead.
