Through conversations with members at our farm share pickup I have become aware that not everyone has mastered Harvie to get the things they want. We want you to receive all items you want the most! Want more potatoes? Or a few more bunches of carrots? Sure! Don't want more cucumbers? No problem! remove any items from your share you don't need and add the veggies you really want. Additional payment is not required when you remove the unwanted item before you add the new item.
Harvie builds your box based on the value of the weekly share.
Check out the info and graphics below to clarify how to get EXACTLY what you want this week. Please email me if you are stuck. or call 977-1631
To add more of a product:
Remove some or all of a product:
Update your preferences:
Once the swap icon is clicked, a window will pop up to update the preference of that particular product
Swap item:

If a swap charge would occur, a window will pop up confirming you want to proceed with the additional charge.
How swap charges work
Each box has a target value and all the items available have values assigned to them. If you swap out a low value item for a higher value item, it is possible that your overall box value will exceed the original target value. The review share details section will show any changes you made and will display any additional costs associated with these changes. If you don't want to pay the additional cost, you'll want to reverse the change. Otherwise any swap costs will be charged against your credit card on file.
Why am I getting charged?
If you click the tool tip next to Swap Charges a review of the explanation will appear
Remember: If you're getting stuck with Harvie, get a hold of me 977-1631 and I'll troubleshoot your share.
Thanks!!! Marcelle