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Farm Happenings at Sleepy G Farm
Spring is around the corner
Find our latest edition of "Well Vittled" our CSA companion HERE!
Hello Members!
We would love your feedback! Here is the link to our member survey. We will be contacting one respondent to award them with a winter food box ($100 value). Please complete the survey if you have not yet. Thank you1 read more »
Winter Food = Comfort
Beef Cuts Available This Week
Good day members!
As we approach the final weeks of our Fall/Winter CSA we will be adding some additional items for swapping or purchase. This week we have items like cucumber pickles, frozen spinach, the last of the dried sage, and watermelon radishes (pink insid1 read more »
Winter Eating
This week's share marks the 8th delivery for the Fall / Winter CSA. We have 2 deliveries in February before we break for planning and seed starting in March and April!
THE PICKUP: We have been finding that the first hour of the pickup (3 to 4 pm) is the busiest time to retrieve your share. If1 read more »
How's the seasonal eating?
This week's "Well Vittled" focusses on onion production, pricing and profitability - find the newsletter archive here!
This CSA cycle we are featuring a few of the recipes that have been submitted to us via email. Please keep those recipes and ideas coming! We have to work together to keep t1 read more »
Root Recipes
This week's "Well Vittled" is our top 10 of 2020. Although 2020 was different and tough, there were lots of wonderful aspects of the farm and our lives that should be celebrated! Here is the link to our CSA companion
By being a member of a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program a1 read more »
Cooking Season
December 16th edition of Well Vittled is a timeline of our farm to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. Enjoy learning about our first years on the farm! Link Here!
This week's delivery is our halfway point of the Fall / Winter CSA! We hope that through the darkest time of the year, our produce and a1 read more »
Keeping Everyone Safe
Hello Members!
Our Winter CSA program is onto our 4th (out of 10) delivery for the season! We hope you are enjoying our cold weather organic veggies as much as we do!
Here is the link to this week's edition of "Well Vittled" our CSA newsletter!
As Covid cases rise in Thunder Bay we will be a making1 read more »
Empire Apples and Logo Shirts available this week
Here is the link to "Well Vittled" our CSA companion!
This week it has become quiet on the farm. The vegetable field work is finished for the season and the cows have come back to the farm for winter. Our staff have mostly been laid off for the winter and we have shifted gears to a more relaxed, of1 read more »
Organic Apples, Sleepy G Ground Beef and New Pickup Location
Click Here to read our November 4 2020 edition of "Well Vittled"
We've settled into a cold weather routine here at Sleepy G. Mornings are dark and cold so we plan indoor work for the first couple of hours until the sun is up and the soil thaws. Digging root vegetables out of frozen soil is not glam1 read more »