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Farm Happenings at Sleepy G Farm
Organic Apples, Sleepy G Ground Beef and New Pickup Location
Click Here to read our November 4 2020 edition of "Well Vittled"
We've settled into a cold weather routine here at Sleepy G. Mornings are dark and cold so we plan indoor work for the first couple of hours until the sun is up and the soil thaws. Digging root vegetables out of frozen soil is not glam1 read more »
Winter CSA pickups begin today!
Here is the link to Well Vittled Sleepy G Farm's CSA companion. To follow the link you have to click on "read more" in this email to be taken to the archive. ENJOY!
Everyone! - Please note: if you are picking up your share in Thunder Bay, we will be set up at the Oliver Road Community Centre1 read more »