Trumpeter Swan Farm CSA News - Winter, Week 47&48, Apr 18
---- Green Produce Bags ----
You will notice some produce in green tinted bags. Those are compostable bags. They will decompose in our active compost heap when mixed with chicken manure. As with all our packaging, continue to return it in the empty box and we will divert those green bags, along with old egg cartons, to our compost heap.
---- Spring On Hold ----
Spring has been put on hold! Amazing how we were looking at an early spring, and now we are back to a normal.
---- Green Onions and Bok Choi ----
Green Onions from our greenhouse. And Bok Choi from the hydroponic table. Both are protected from wind and insects, so they come out with tender stalks and leaves. I don't think they taste as full and complex as those grown outside - but they sure cook up nice!