Farm Happenings at Trumpeter Swan Farm
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Trumpeter Swan Farm CSA News - Summer Season, Week 4, Delivery June 21st thru June 23rd

Posted on June 20th, 2022 by Phil Hannay

Trumpeter Swan Farm CSA News - Summer Season, Week 4, Delivery June 21st thru June 23rd

---- Bok Choi ----

The spring planting of bok choi is here, there is plenty to go around. Bok choi is known as Chinese cabbage, but really it's more like celery in my mind. My favorite way to use it still is in stir fry with other mixed veggies. Give it a try, I know a couple year ago I wasn't to fond of it but now I always look forward to getting it every time.

---- Hot and Dry ----

Well I really hope this isn't a repeat of last year, but as of right now we are watering around the clock. We haven't had a sizeable rain since May 31st, so we have to make our own. The water reel sprinkler does a nice job at putting down a half to three quarters of an inch of water on the field. But that does take 10 days to do one full rotation around all of our fields and only helps well established plants. For the little plants or ones that just got planted we use the tractor waterer to water them. Basically a big tank of water that gets driven over the top of the row of plants and waters them. Time consuming but very necessary in these conditions. Hopefully we get some rain soon, but until then, "Head down and into the wind", just power through it.

Ian Hannay
Farm Manager