Trumpeter Swan Farm CSA News - Summer Season, Week 4, Delivery June 21st thru June 23rd
---- Bok Choi ----
The spring planting of bok choi is here, there is plenty to go around. Bok choi is known as Chinese cabbage, but really it's more like celery in my mind. My favorite way to use it still is in stir fry with other mixed veggies. Give it a try, I know a couple year ago I wasn't to fond of it but now I always look forward to getting it every time.
---- Suprise Rain ----
Last night, June 20th, we finally got some rain. It totaled out to be 0.55" which is the first substantial rain of June. We have finally been able to stop watering for at least a little while. Here's hoping we get back to more normal weather patterns.
---- Mulching Winter Squash and Melons ----
This week we will start mulching our winter squash and melons. We essentially cover the whole field in straw. We do this because one it adds organic matter to the soil when it's plowed in in the fall. Two it allows for the squash and melon fruits to grow on a bed of straw instead of pure soil, making it less likely to rot and making them cleaner.
Ian Hannay
Farm Manager