Farm Happenings at Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farm
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Winter CSA starts this week!

Posted on October 20th, 2023 by Dave Redfearn

You are receiving this email because you are signed up for our winter CSA which starts Thursday (October 26th).  The details of your selected pickup location including address and times were on your confirmation email.  You'll also receive those details each week on Wednesdays when you receive your share confirmation email.  If you are new to using Harvie or a want to get better at it, here's a quick tutorial on how you can view your upcoming deliveries, make changes, etc.  

We're excited to get started with this new season.  I'm including some of the main winter CSA season info for your reference.

  • The 2023-2024 Winter CSA season will start October 26th.
  • This will be a 21 delivery season very similar to last year.  
  • Weekly October 26th to December 14th (with no pickup Thanksgiving week).  After a 2 week Christmas and New Year's gap, we'll have every other week deliveries in January and February (Jan 4, Jan 18, Feb 1, Feb 15th and Feb 29th) Then back to weekly deliveries again starting March 7th through April with the final delivery for the winter season May 2nd.
  • You can skip up to 3 deliveries during the winter season.What’s included?  
  • You’ll have options to customize your box, just like our regular season CSA, however the number of items will be limited due to weather constraints.  The winter CSA is heavy on fresh greens, fresh roots and storage roots. Spinach, kale, Swiss Chard, stir fry greens, tatsoi, bok choy, and lettuce are at their prime.  If you don’t like green stuff, this winter share is probably not for you.  Besides the staple greens above, we hope to have lots of carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, daikon radish, watermelon radish, kohlrabi, radishes, turnips, green onions for most of the season.  We should also have cilantro, fennel, ginger, Jerusalem artichokes, collards, broccoli, and cabbage for a portion of the season depending on weather conditions. 
  • Unlike summer pickups, most winter pickups are porch pickups so there isn't a way to pick up your veggies if you forget to pick them up (except the two farm pickups, those you can pick up later because we'll keep them in the cooler for you). 
  • Here's the list of locations:
    • Farm Pickup (26355 E Bundschu Rd. Independence, MO) – Thursdays 3:00PM to 6:00PM
    • Farm Friday Self Serve – Fridays 7:00AM to 7:00PM
    • Brookside (6012 McGee St, KC)– Thursdays 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM
    • Prairie Village (7311 Birch Street)– Thursdays 3:00 PM to 6:30PM
    • Overland Park (12700 W. 118th, OP)– Thursdays 3:00PM to 6:30PM
    • SW Lee’s Summit (1507 SW 8th Terrace, LS) – Thursdays 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
    • Lakewood (308 Northeast Chelmsford Court, LS)– Thursdays 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM


The mild October has allowed us to maintain some non-winter type vegetables into the beginning of the winter CSA season, so at least for the first couple weeks we hope to have green beans and peppers available as long as they last.  So this week's selection is pretty massive with all kinds of choices.  As we go into later fall and deeper winter, the variety of offerings will diminish, but we'll enjoy the merging of summer and winter seasons for as long as the weather holds.  So make sure to stock up on peppers to roast and freeze or otherwise preserve for winter eating.  

Bread and Cheese

Bread- Farm to Market Sourdough Artisan loaf

Cheese- Hemme Brothers Feta block

Thanks so much for eating with the seasons with us!  We feel so blessed to be your farming family.

Dave, Sheri, the Redfearn kids, and all our other amazing helpers