Farm Happenings at Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farm
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CSA Week 3! The veggies are growing fast!

Posted on May 18th, 2024 by Dave Redfearn

Hi friends!

We are so thankful for the opportunity to be your farmers!

The temperatures are heating up and the fields are filling up. We've been able to plant more tomatoes and peppers outdoors to augment the plants that are already growing large in the high tunnels.  This week we're beginning to see sugar snap peas and a tiny bit of broccolini.  With some of these items you may want to check back in Monday evening to see if we've been able to add more to the projected harvest inventory.  If so, you can add those when they become available.  Its always tricky with those two crops in particular because they are so sunshine, water and temperature dependent.   The broccolini heads can go from tiny shoots to full grown heads in a rapidly short period of time.  Same with the peas from tiny baby peas to plump juicy pods, so we are doing our best to estimate now but we'll be able to estimate better Monday afternoon.  

(This is just a pro tip to always check back Monday if we show something sold out when you check on the weekend.  As we tend to estimate on the conservative side when we send the Saturday emails out.  That estimate is what determines the quantity of each item available.  Then Monday afternoon we often do a second walkthrough and update numbers upward if possible.  Tuesday at 8:00AM is the cutoff time to make updates to your share so Monday night or early Tuesday morning is the last chance to swap items in and out).


What if I missed my share? 

For all locations except the Brookside porch pickup, your share will end up back at the farm where you can pick it up whenever you'd like if you wish.  All shares left until Tuesday at 8:00AM are taken to local food pantries.  Here are instructions for where to find your share by pickup location:

Brookside: sorry, you are out of luck.  We don't have your share.

Friday self-serve: your share stays in the same shed-looking cooler near the house.  

Thursday Farm, Lee's Summit and Overland Park shares all go into the white trailer looking cooler next to the house.

You can help yourself to your share.  Just look for your label.  The farm address is: 26355 E Bundschu Rd, Independence, MO 64056.

Bread and Cheese

Farm to Market Rosemary Olive oil Loaf

Hemme Brothers Chive Curds

We never get tired of saying it, but we appreciate your membership.  Keeping you fed, keeps our family and employees fed and we sure enjoy doing what we were doing so thanks for helping to make our rather unusual lifestyle possible.  We hope you reap some benefits from knowing your farmers.

Enjoy the harvest,

Dave and Sheri