Farm Happenings at Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farm
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CSA Week 5

Posted on June 1st, 2024 by Dave Redfearn

Would you believe we are going into our 5th week of the summer season?  Things are really heating up on the farm.  We're preparing to plant around 10,000 sweet potato plants this week, so that will be fun! That means the farm is getting pretty fully planted with summer crops.  The first of the cherry tomatoes started yielding last week.  It will be a few more weeks before we have enough for everyone, so don't be too jealous if you can't get your hands on any this week. It's the beginning of the summer crops, but that also means its nearing the end of one of our favorite spring crops, sugar snap peas. I know we will have plenty of sugar snap peas this week since the plants are ladened with sweet peas ready for harvest, but probably very few or none the following week. 

I don't have much time to write right now.  Gotta get the place prepped for the sweet potatoes before the next rain.  

Bread and Cheese

Farm to Market Italian Artisan bread

Hemme Brothers Feta block  

Have a great week,

Dave and Sheri