Farm Happenings at Zilnicki Farms
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Farm Happenings for October 8, 2024

Posted on October 4th, 2024 by John Zilnicki

Welp, the first week of October is here and coming to an end already.  Jamesport Fire department is doing a can food, etc. drive for people affected from the hurricane that devastated the Carolinas/Appalachians.  Personally my opinion is this.. give full attention and all the aid available to the people in Our country that were affected by this disaster, instead of sending it over seas.  I personally will be donating a truck load of stuff, from diapers, toys, canned goods, etc..

I'm an advocate for 'community first mindset' and this plays right into that.  We are only as strong as our weakest member, something my coaches used to tell me and this couldn't be more evident as we look for leadership.  

Have a great weekend!

Your farmer, 
