Farm Happenings at B&B Farms
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Farm Happenings for CSA WK2, Jun 13-16, 2018

Posted on June 11th, 2018 by Jennifer LaMonaca

Welcome to another farm season! Harvie (a CSA software program) and B&B Farms CSA...

How it Works:  For our returning customers, AND for me, we are learning a new system.  For our new customers, perhaps it all makes sense.  We thank you for your patience and support as we smooth out the details!  I am a quick learner; and along with farm staff, we work hard to give our customers a positive on-farm experience and quality, fresh and healthy produce. Here are my updates for Week 2 CSA Pickup:

What is new about our CSA?

  • Farm shares are customized ahead of pickups – this helps us manage the harvest better and reduce waste.  If you have not done so, please select your preferences in your profile; this lets us know what you want AND don’t want.
  • Swapping/customizing your farm share – you can do so ahead of time.  If you prefer to do so in Farm Shop (as in previous seasons) – crops will be labeled if available for swaps.  AND no up-charges!  Sorry if this occurred – we will issue you a refund/credit.
  • At pickup/check-in, grab your ticket.  Your farm shares will be individually printed out, sorted by last name.  Don’t worry about printing it out or looking on your phone – we have you covered.  
  • Payment plan.  At sign up, you pay 25% of the share balance; the first pickup, you pay another 25% of the share balance + the first csa share amount; the 50% remaining balance will be split up into equal payments weekly for the remainder of the season. If you wish to pay off your remaining balance, log into to your account and update your payment.
  • Harvie customer support – we hope you are all set! If you need assistance, please reach out., 412-567-3864.

What remains the same?      

  • Changing pickup days no need to let us know! – sorry for the confusion on this.  At signup, you set a preferred day; it does help us to know, but we are flexible.  We will see you on the Farm whatever day works for you that week!
  • Mix and Match options – do ahead of time in your weekly farm email, or swap in Farm shop (crops will be labeled if available).
  • Bring a bag/basket, fill up from around display tables – same produce, same farmers! 
  • Pick-Your-Own crops INCLUDED.  Flowers and Herbs for all members – please see our Pick-Your-Own display for sample bunches, and fields locations.  Don’t forget your scissors and containers!
  • Extras for sale – see Farm Shop for details. Produce (upgrade your share, or bring a friend and show off your farm!). Also local eggs, cheeses, chicken sausages, breads and more.  
  • Our friendly staff!  Always available to assist – please let us know if you have questions.

See you on the Farm!

Your B&B Farms Crew