Farm Happenings at B&B Farms
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CSA Week 2

Posted on June 11th, 2018 by Jennifer LaMonaca

Pick Your Own Crops

  • Strawberries - 1 week remains. This is a fast and furious crop, get um while you can.  Blueberries not far behind!
  • Peas - Snap (on trellis) and Snow (on the ground).

Both at 228 S Mannheim field.


  • Herbs; 1 bunch mix and match - Basil, Parsley (along driveway, Field A); Dill, Cilantro, Oregano (next to Blueberries, Field B).
  • Flowers; 1 bunch - Calendula (next driveway, 228 S Mannheim)

See Farm Shop for sample size (display only).

If you need assistance with Pick Your Own crops, please let us know.  Send an email, or just ask in Farm Shop. 

And say hi to pigs!  Please be careful, fence is electric.