Farm Happenings at Cherry Valley Organics
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Farm Happenings for July 14, 2021

Posted on July 9th, 2021 by Jodi Danyo

New this Week:  Green Cabbages, Perpetual Spinach, Green Leaf Lettuce, and Garlic

IPM Fruit Shares are back this week with blueberries!  It's not too late to sign-up to get fruit for the rest of the season!




Updates from the Farm

OK, let's just get the complaining out of the way first.  It was so humid this past week, it was unbearable.  Finally, on Friday afternoon, the weather shifted and we could breathe again!  This type of weather makes it very difficult for the crew to stay on track since it seems like everything is moving in slow motion.  I guess the dog days of summer are here! 

We're looking forward to the few days of low humidity ahead.  As for what's happening at the farm, this time of year is all about transitioning.  We are saying temporary goodbyes to some of our cool season spring crops, such as pac choi, kales, broccoli, radishes, peas, and turnips.  We turn over these beds and plant with different fall crops.  This process involves removing wire hoops that support insect netting and row cover as well as drip irrigation from all of the beds.  It's not anyone's favorite job, but clean beds that are ready for the next crops generate excitement about harvests to come.  By late July, we'll be getting ready to plant fall cabbages, kales, pac choi, and more.  And, by far, it seems like fall is our favorite time to be farmers! 




Tomatoes are coming!  Our pepper and tomato plants are getting loaded up with green fruits and this year's harvest is looking amazing!  And, may start in just a few short weeks!!




Have a great week everyone, and thank you again for being a farm share member this season!!

Jodi, Emily, Vanessa, Alliy, Clarissa, Mark, and Selena

The CVO Farm Share Team


If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to or to at any time.