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Farm Happenings at Cherry Valley Organics
Beat the heat
Crunching into a salad of fresh, raw veggies is so refreshing on these broiling hot days. Try a massaged kale dish or maybe a coleslaw with our freshly picked cabbage. Sugar snap peas are great raw as well. throw some zucchini spears on the grill next time you cook out - anything to avoid turning o1 read more »
Summer is here!
Summer is here, and it's brought cherry tomatoes and summer squash with it! Sakura, Esterina, Bing, and Black Cherry are the varieties we're picking now. There aren't quite enough cherry tomatoes to go around yet, but we anticipate an abundance very soon.
Speaking of abundance, we're bringing1 read more »
Planting season
These tiny shoots will grow into crisp cabbage, dark green broccoli, kale, collards, and white and blue kohlrabi for fall harvest. Our busy spring planting season is done, but we'll keep sowing seeds until September to keep fresh produce coming out of our fields all year long.
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Succession Planting
Check out our latest blog post on succession planting. We begin sowing seeds in January and continue through August to have a bountiful harvest for at least seven months of the year. read more »