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Farm Happenings at Cherry Valley Organics
Cherry Valley Organics Holiday Market!
In case you haven't heard, we have some very exciting news from the farm this week! This weekend, we opened our very first storefront in Burgettstown! For the full scoop, check out this article: http://www.cherryvalleyorganics.com/blog/37340
If you are in our area, please stop by1 read more »
Last week, we said good bye to Elena. She's been a constant helper in our fields all season long. Harvesting, packing, delivering, she's done it all. This year wouldn't have been a success without her efforts. we'll miss her on he farm and wish her well as she leaves to begin nursing school. read more »
I'm continually amazed by how fast mushrooms grow. Every morning when I pull into the farm driveway, I look to my left to see whether our mushrooms logs have fruited. Sometimes I see tiny pins forming which means mushrooms are only a day or two away.
We grow our oyster and shiitake mushrooms1 read more »