Farm Happenings at Cooper's CSA Farm
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Week 2 of 20; Summer 2019 Vegetable Share- Coopers CSA Farm Happenings

Posted on June 14th, 2019 by Coopers CSA Farm

We've got some sun!

We really needed this heat. We are now seeing some good growth progress on the crops. 

New Farm Happenings:

  • Strawberries: They are finished blooming and we are hoping to have berries in your boxes come Canada day long weekend.
  • Planting: We are nearly caught up with our veggie plantings. Transplanting peppers, cucumbers, and melons plus seeding pumpkins at this very moment.
  • Lettuce: We have some ready! There will be some available for shares.
  • Pasture: The pastures are all ready for grazing so we've let the cows out ! 
  • Refer A Friend: We have sign up open through out the summer, so if you have friends that want to join our program be sure t give them your 'refer a friend' link so can get you $25 credit!

If you want to a have more in depth understanding of what we do, we have blog you can read!

You can follow us on Social Media:



~We accept clean 12 hole egg cartons & 250-500ml mason jars return for reuse~

PLEASE return boxes & red bags. 

Any farm related questions please email us.

Have a nice weekend!