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Farm Happenings at Cooper's CSA Farm
Week 18 Summer 2019 Vegetable Farm Box
Its that time of year and we are in full swing with our corn maze. Remember with your CSA subscription you get free admission to the farm. Corn maze, u pick pumpkins, raspberry and for now strawberry, farm tours and more. Come see us!
Sweet potato, baby leeks and butternut squash are new this week1 read more »
Week 17 Meat Share; Coopers CSA Farm Happenings
We are close to the end!
For some of you, this will be your last meat delivery of the summer. (You may have other meat shares week 19 of 20.)
- Our fall season is beginning this weekend so a reminder that as share members, you and your immediate family have FREE entrance to our corn maze! So1 read more »
Week 17 Summer 2019 Vegetable Share- Cooper's CSA Farm Happenings
The summer season is winding down (week 17 of 20) so we want to remind you to return boxes, bags, plastic quarts, and egg cartons. We really want to re use as much as possible to try and reduce waste and it helps keep costs down.
CORN MAZE AND FALL FESTIVAL OPEN! Farm tours, mini mazes a1 read more »
Week 16 Summer 2019 Vegetable Share- Cooper's CSA Farm Happenings
Fall is coming and as the weather cools down one of the more enjoyable places to work on the farm is in our tunnels. In the pic is Jairo and Fili. Jairo has been with us for 18 years, Fili for 9. Along with Jose and Lio these four gentleman are the main field crew who take care of 90% of the produc1 read more »
Summer 2019 Week 15 Meat Share (Beef, Pork & Chicken)
Even though we don't want to think that summer is over, the weather is starting to cool down and fall is coming our way.
Home made stew is a classic recipe that immediately brings thoughts of warmth and family dinners. We have some stew if you are looking to stock up your freezers for the coming co1 read more »
Week 15 Summer 2019 Vegetable Share- Cooper's CSA Farm Happenings
No fancy pictures of produce this week. To have great produce and meats it takes a line of equipment that needs to be maintained and repaired. This is our son Trenton and one of his rolls since coming back to the farm is head mechanic. In the pic he's putting a new set of brakes on one of our deliv1 read more »