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Farm Happenings at Cooper's CSA Farm
Winter/Spring 2019 Week 6 of 14; Meat Share (Beef, Pork, Chicken)- Coopers CSA Farm Happenings
Hello again!
You ever get the winter blues... well fix it with homemade, delicious food!
This farm happening we'd like to put the spotlight on our Pre-made Meals. We make a lot of tasty, heathy, homemade meals that could be quite the helping hand when cooking is not the most desirable opt1 read more »
Winter/Spring 2019 Week 6 of 14; Vegetable Share- Coopers CSA Farm Happenings
Hello again!
You ever get the winter blues... well fix it with homemade, delicious food!
This farm happening we'd like to put the spotlight on our Pre-made Meals. We make a lot of tasty, heathy, homemade meals that could be quite the helping hand when cooking is not the most desirable option.1 read more »
Winter/Spring 2019 Week 5 of 14; Meat Share (Beef, Pork, Chicken)- Coopers CSA Farm Happenings
Now that we are back from our winter break, we are ready to get back into share mode!
Now we know we have some pretty dedicated BBQ Kings & Queens that will BBQ in any weather, so we have lots of options in each different shares for throwing on the grill. No worries, there are lots for those wh1 read more »
Winter/Spring 2019 Week 5 of 14; Vegetable Share- Coopers CSA Farm Happenings
Happy New Year!! Hope everyone had a great holiday season and hopefully everyone is sticking to their New Years resolutions...
It was quiet here at the farm over the holidays. Lots of rest and time spent visiting with family. We’re starting to get back in the groove now. Getting ready for map1 read more »