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Farm Happenings at Cooper's CSA Farm
Week 12 Aug 26-Sept 2 Cooper's CSA Farm Happenings - Watermelon & Garlic!
Hi folks
Watermelon, garlic, and field tomato are new this week. Kohlrabi, dill, eggplant are back on the list plus lots more. It looks like cantaloupe, cucumbers, and basil may done for the season. We'll see.
The watermelon is called Sugar Baby, an old time seeded variety that's mostly small1 read more »
Week 11 Aug 21-26 Cooper's CSA Farm CHICKEN Share
Hi all
It's chicken time again. We have lots of 1/2's and 1/4's available this month so we'll have lots for everyone.
Hot weather isn't great for chickens, we noticed the birds were a little lighter this time. Our chicken huts on pasture are designed to keep the birds as cool as possible, open air1 read more »
Week 11 Aug 21-26 Cooper's CSA Farm BEEF Share
Hi folks
Lots of cuts and items to choose from this month, but we are a little short on ground and stew beef. That will be rectified next month.
A big change with our beef herd, 2 weeks ago we purchased 17 cows with young calves at their side so we now have full birth to finish on our farm. Before1 read more »
Week 11 Aug 21-26 Cooper's CSA Farm Pork Share
hi Folks
Its pork share week. lots of good choices for you.
When its hot like this the pigs spend a lot time heading for shade like in the pic. They also wallow in a water/ mud hole that we provide. Pigs don't sweat so they pant, stay in the shade, or roll around in a wet hole.
It's pretty hot. If1 read more »
Week 11 Aug 21-26 Cooper's CSA Farm Happenings -Let The field tomatoes begin!!
Hi Everyone
Our first field tomatoes are ready! Heirloom cherry tomatoes called Bumble Bee are available. We also have jalapeno peppers new this week and salanova lettuce is back. We just started into a new patch of yellow beans and they look great and of course we have melons and much more.1 read more »
Week 10 Aug 14-19 Cooper's CSA Farm Happenings - MELONS!!!!
Hi Folks
Holy smokes its week 10!! We're 1/2 way through our CSA season.
Heading toward mid August and we've had lots of heat means we have lots of melons!!! Cantaloupe and French Charentais melon are available. Strawberries, green and yellow beans, tomatillos, and some good size red bunchin1 read more »
week 9 Aug 7-12 The Farm Box - Strawberries are back!!
Hi Everyone
Savoy cabbage, and tomatillos are new items this week. Sweet corn, green beans and green onions are looking good. Strawberries are back too! With this heat we will start picking melons later in the week and maybe even watermelon.
Abbi is excited for the return of strawberry1 read more »