This is where we let you know important updates, news, specials happenings etc. Very Important stuff!
Current Updates:
- Reminder: Change to Cut Off Time:
- The cut of time is being moved to Sunday night vs. the normal Mondays. You will still have 2 full days to change your box & shop the extras.
- We have had a huge sign up and increase in extras items being purchased that we now need Mondays just to get prepared!
- Last Winter Delivery:
- We are week 14 of 14! It's the end of the season so please return all of our red bags that you may have around your home.
- Summer Chicken Shares Waitlisted:
- If you haven't sign up for the chicken share, you will not be able to until July-ish. Please email us to be put on a waitlist.
- SUMMER Sign Up:
- We are getting really close to our max number of meat shares for Beef & Pork SO if you haven't signed up yet- do so ASAP.
- Why Brown Paper: If you didn't know, we have all of paper wrapped in brown butcher paper because it's more environmentally friendly! You can actually put the paper in the compost
- The Mexicanos are here:
- A very welcoming site to see our guys arrive this week. They have completed their 2 week quarantine & have begun work in the fields! They are truly experts in the fields and we are very grateful for all that they do.
- Spring Babies:
- We have more calves & chicks coming, but we now are expecting our piglets in the next week!
- Online Store:
- If you have friends & family that are looking to shop with us but not want to sign up. We have some items available on our new online store. https://cooperscsafarm.square.site/. For pickup at our farm store only.
~Return Bags & Egg Cartons ~
Yes you can return these items!
- Remove the sticker
- Quickly clean them and leave them outside for the delivery driver to grab
- If you pick up at the store, we have a spot for you to leave them.
- Egg Cartons, Bags & jars can be left with the box as well.
If you &/or your family are currently quarantined, Please keep your items for now.
If you want to see more of what we're up to, you can follow us:
- Facebook: Coopers CSA Farm page
- Instagram: @coopscsafarm
- Twitters: @CoopersFarm
Wishing you and you family the best!
-Steve, Lisa & The Cooper's Farm Family