This is where where we let you know of upcoming events, important and sometimes urgent updates, special happenings & basically anything we want you to know for the upcoming share week.
First off;
Hello Everyone!
If you're new, welcome to the Farm Family! We are very excited to have you on the program this summer & we hope you enjoy it. If you a veteran member... thanks for coming back for another season! We had a great winter season in spite of whats happening. Thanks to all of you and your support.
Current Updates:
- Know Your Shares: We have a record number of members on our program this summer, so we don't have as much time to be answering help emails all day (we will always be there to help you, it may just take us a little longer to get back to you)
- Write down your delivery/pick up days on a calendar
- Set alarms on your phones when your shares are coming.
- Your HARVIE account has many of your answers :)
**Home Delivery***
Please leave a cooler out for us to put your freezer goods in to keep it safe from the warm summer weather!
- Extras:
- Unfortunately due to our system logistical limitations, we can not offer non-frozen items such as maple syrup, baked goods, produce etc. as extras on the meat shares. It is strictly other meat cuts and frozen goods.
- If you have a vegetable share, there is the full inventory available in that extras section, you can order them there and they will come with your box.
- If you only have meat shares, until our system gets an upgrade, that is how it is for now.
- You can check our online store for bake goods, jams, maple syrup etc. BUT is has to be picked up at our farm store.
- You can always adjust your share pick up to change pick up to @the farm for the occasion you order from the online store and then you can get everything all at once!
- Cheat Sheet:
- We will be sending you all a cheat sheet for you all so you will know everything about being a member of our program. It will include pro tips, how to manipulate customizations, your HARVIE account, swapping items and shopping in the extras sections for all of the other awesome stuff we offer.
- Visiting the Farm: We are working on getting special, social distance friendly, farm events for you all to get out of the house. As members, you will receive discounts for these!
- DOG SATURDAYS: Our insurance company finally let us have dogs on the property!!! But only one day a week. Keep your eyes open for when we begin those.
- U-Pick: To-be-determined. We plan to have it open- we just don't know when or how it's going to operate so stay tuned.
The Farm Happenings
(Fun Stuff Happening at the Farm)
- Spring Babies: We have calves, baby chicks & piglets all arriving at the farm.
- Farm Projects: We are always building something new! We just added our first office space to our store so now we do not have to do our work at the kitchen table, it is little but very exciting!
- Online Store:
- If you have friends & family that are looking to shop with us but not want to sign up. We have some items available on our new online store. https://cooperscsafarm.square.site/. For pickup at our farm store only.
~Red Freezer Bags, Mason Jars & 12 holeEgg Cartons ~
Yes you can return these items! We like to reuse as much as we can :)
You can leave them out your next delivery for the driver to get when they drop of your next order. If you are a pick up, you can leave the items at that location and we will grab them.
How to Return your items:
- Remove the stickers from the red cooler bags.
- Quickly clean them and leave them outside for the delivery driver to grab or leave them neatly at your pick up location.
- If you pick up at the Farm store, we have a spot for you to leave them.
- Egg Cartons, & jars can be left with the bags as well.
If you &/or your family are currently quarantined, Please keep your items for now.
If you want to see more of what we're up to, you can follow us:
- Facebook: Coopers CSA Farm page
- Instagram: @coopscsafarm
- Twitter: @CoopersFarm
Wishing you and you family the best!
-Steve, Lisa & The Cooper's Farm Family