Farm Happenings at Cooper's CSA Farm
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Week 7 July 24-29 Farm Happenings - PORK SHARE

Posted on July 21st, 2018 by Coopers CSA Farm

Hi folks

It's Pork share time!

In the pic is what we call "bacon bits" or newborn piglets. that's from a litter born a few weeks ago. The mom of these guys is 1/2 large black breed and 1/2 unknown...????...We got her from another farm and she is an awesome mom. She was bred to our boar "Chuck" who is pure berkshire breed and normally piglets from large black x berkshire are coloured all black, or the standard berkshire markings of black body, white nose, white feet and a little white on the tail. These guys have a little more of a mix in them but thats okay, it doesn't affect meat quality. they still have the right traits we want just some different colors. All good.

We are moving pigs around between farms getting ready to put Chuck out with our group of 8 sows. This will give us piglets in mid to late November. We normally get 2 litters a year from our sows.

Thats all for now.

Talk next month.
