This is where we let you know of upcoming events, important and sometimes urgent updates, special happenings & basically anything we want you to know for the upcoming share week.
Hello Everyone,
OHHHHHHHH..... WE'RE HALF WAY THERE! Heheh...We are officially half way through our summer season.
So what's new?
Current Updates:
- They're here! And here for awhile.
- It was a slow growing season for them but they've now made it to the show.
SWEET CORN: We had quite the pleasant surprise with the sweet corn, it decide to be ready sooner than we thought. It will be in your shares and we will have some for sale.
- In the photo you can see Emma & Kaya husking some corn that we will use in our pre-made meals!
New Potatoes!
- Get your BBQ ready for some new, delicious 'taters. They are now in season!
Crops: We've got more coming on!
- Beans
- Lettuce
- Zucchini
- Garlic
- Fresh Garlic
- Snow Peas
- melons - they love all the heat and are coming on super fast
- Sugar Snap Peas; Due to the drought this crop completely died- so we will not behaving these in the share this summer!
We are having new crops come on within days of each other so you will be seeing lost of fun options for your boxes.
10 Acre Corn Maze:
- It's all mapped out! You will start seeing more updates on it near the end of this month.
As always- PLEASE Return Boxes & Red Freezer Bags!
We are low! We also take back mason jars & 12 hole Egg Cartons
- We like to reuse as much as we can :)
- leave them out your next delivery for the driver to get when they drop off your next order.
- If you are a pick up, you can leave the items at that location and we will grab them.
- If your red bag has a water bottle in it, leave it in! It's an icepack to help keep the items frozen during delivery. We refreeze them and use them multiple times.
If you &/or your family are currently quarantined, Please keep your items for now.
The Other Farm Happenings
(Other Farm Stuff To Know)
Visiting the Farm: We are getting closer!
- We are really close to having this open! So stay tuned for some future fun activities with your four legged pals!
- U-Pick:
- To-be-determined. We plan to have it open- we just don't know when or how it's going to operate so stay tuned.
Online Farm Store
- If you have friends & family (or even yourself) that are looking to shop with us but not want to sign up for csa, we have some items available on our new online store. https://cooperscsafarm.square.site/. For pickup at our farm store only.
- We are low on stock are are hoping to get stocked up soon!
- Please log into your account and set your preferences for every item we have (yes every item!). This is how the program customizes your boxes. Plus we use these preferences in cases where we need to manually make up your share.
- You can change your preferences any time you want.
- Here's a 'how to' video on how to do this!
Your HARVIE account has your answers!
- What is in my share this week?
- Payment plan charges.
- When are my next deliveries?
- How to reschedule or change locations.
- Change or update preferences
- Change credit card info
- Check out your profile. :)
- Check your junk email sometimes if you believe your customization emails didn't come in.
Watch this Video! These are the secret tips on how to make changes to your boxes, swapping, rescheduling, shopping the extras & more!
How to navigate the customization page for your shares!
**Home Delivery Members***
ITS HOT OUTSIDE:Please leave a cooler box or bag out for us to put your produce &/or freezer goods in to keep it safe from the warm summer weather!
- If you enjoy our pre-made meals, maple syrup, honey, jams, baked goods etc. You can order these items in the extras section on your harvie account. As members, we make a well stocked inventory specially for you.
- SO, please purchase these extra items here.
- We Sometimes Miss Items...
- We do a lot of counting & packing during the week & sometimes we miss putting an item in a box or in an extras order.
- Just email us! We have accepted that we are only human and mistakes happen.
- If we miss something of yours, we will get those items to you.
If you want to see more of what we're up to, you can follow us:
- Facebook: Coopers CSA Farm page
- Instagram: @coopscsafarm
- Twitter: @CoopersFarm
Wishing you and you family the best this summer!
-Steve, Lisa & The Cooper's Farm Family