We have replenished the inventory and have a good selection of cuts for this month. Remember we design the share to be nose to tail eating so you will have a range of cuts from across the animal.
Looks like we will have an extra long grazing season. We have lots of grass due to the warm weather and ample rain. If we are lucky and November stays warm we can get to December without any supplementary feed. Fingers crossed.
Kelsey took the above picture, trying to hide in the weeds. Cows with calves are very protective, if you notice there are a few in the right of the pic looking at her with their ears up. That's a sign that they are on "high alert". Likely Kelsey has her dog with her and that's what they are focused on. Having protective of cows is a good thing, but too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing. We don't want cows that are so aggressive that we can't handle them making it a risk to our crew.
Winter sign up is open. Here's the link https://www.harvie.farm/signup/coopers-farm
To keep receiving beef in November and beyond you will have to sign up. You can also access it through our website.
Steve & Lisa