Well that went by quick. Here we are at week 20, the final week of summer share.
Fall means pumpkins and we've got lots at the farm. For the next 2 weekends - Oct 20-21 and Oct 27-28 - We've got a u pick pumpkin for you, no charge. our pumpkins are far too large to put in the share box!!
We are hoping most of you sign up for our winter spring share, but if you are not please leave something out to put your veggies in as we want our boxes back to use for the next season.
Our winter share season starts the 2nd week in November with boxes going out Nov 7- 10. If you havent signed up and would like to go to here's the link: https://www.harvie.farm/signup/coopers-farm
Our Mexican workers head home on the 31st and we'll have all our veggie crop work done by then. In November we have some grain corn to harvest, we plan to work on livestock fence and corrals, and start working in the bush for maple syrup season next year. If the weather is nice we will be outside working, if its not we spend time in the office getting ready for next season. There's always lots to do!!
Until next time
Steve & Lisa