Farm Happenings at D&V Organics
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2024 CSA Week 10

Posted on July 13th, 2024 by Derek Zember

D&V Organics CSA

Week 10

We've had a busy week this past week fully switching over to our summer mode, entailing multi-day picking of zucchini, peppers, basil, melons and tomatoes.  In addition to being on a picking schedule for those crops, our yearly bulk onion harvest began. Each year, around the middle of July, we load up our wagons with onions from the field and haul them into the greenhouse to cure and dry so they become shelf stable.  Unfortunately, we don't have enough room in our greenhouse to lay out our entire onion crop, so we decided to dry them in stages this year.  We started about a week earlier than typical, and we'll dry for a period of time and then haul another load into the greenhouse for drying.  Our goal is to have all of the onions and shallots out of the field by August 1st and drying in the greenhouse.  If we wait too long and leave the onions in the field, the sun, rain and dew will cause the onions to deteriorate.  This year's onion crop looks really good and we are seeing some nice drying down of the onion tops that we currently have in the greenhouse.


Derek and Crew